Thursday, July 1, 2010

This just keeps getting crazier

So I have been pestering my sister because she is the go between for Deb and I. I was really hoping to be able to meet Deb this weekend and see Gavin. I would like to meet her face to face. I want to hear from her perspective how she feels about this whole situation, and I want her to be able to meet us and see what we are about. I really don't know what to say to her? Do I just throw it all up?????? Certainly not, she would think I am nuts!!! That would consist of me telling her how much I love this little man who I have only known exists for about 2 months now and only spent like 9 hours with personally. There would be rivers of tears and mountains of emotions. But I also feel like that is what is real. I want her to see that I am not just interested in adopting Gavin because I can't have kids, but rather because The Lord has connected my heart with him. He has woven my emotions in his well being and his right to have a mommy and a daddy that can spoil him and lavish him in all the love and time 3 year old little boys are supposed to get. That even if we couldn't have him, my heart will not rest until he has everything he deserves, until he can love freely and greatly, until he knows stability and safety, until he knows that there are people in this world that would pay any amount, go any distance, do anything to make him safe, to love him, to care for him, and to be with him. It is only in the last 2 weeks that I can even say his name or have a fleeting thought of him without completely loosing it. Do you know how hard it is to drive to work when you cannot see the road for the tears that are uncontrollably pouring from your eyes? How hard it is to pretend that everything is ok when your mind is consumed with thoughts of what your life will be like if you get the opportunity to raise this beautiful little man? To already have everything picked out that you will need to outfit him his own room with spongebob beds, blankies and wall decor? I feel like if people knew this they would think I was crazy!!! I literally cannot help it. If I had my choice and I know for sure that she would not write me off as a lunatic, this is exactly what I would tell her.
So anyways back to the story, I have been waiting for my sister to set up a meeting with Deb, Trint, and I this weekend. She did finally get a hold of her and Deb is figuring out if and when would be the best time to meet. Deb also said that she asked Gavin if my husbands name was Terry, and he said no, then she asked if his name was Trinity and he said yea, triny. So he remembers us!!!!

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